In Kensington Gardens, Once...
In Kensington Gardens, Once...
H.R.F. Keating, the famed creator of Bombay's Inspector Ganesh Ghote, leaves India for a series of evocative stories set in London's Kensington Gardens. Each of the ten stories is set around one of the monuments and locations in the great park. Three stories were written especially for this book. Harry Keating is one of the most honored writers of our time. Recipient of two Gold Daggers for Best Novel from the British Crime Writers Association, he also recently was honored with the Cartier Diamond Dagger for Lifetime Achievement. In 1985, he was e
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The Art to Cover Art
Jeffrey Marks kindly offered me the opportunity to participate in selecting a cover artist and the cover's subject matter. I felt, and he agreed, that since the book's selections are by...
The Art to Cover Art
Jeffrey Marks kindly offered me the opportunity to participate in selecting a cover artist and the cover's subject matter. I felt, and he agreed, that since the book's selections are by...
Tough Guys and Dangerous Dolls; Damon Runyon’s ...
The men in the car are on an errand of mercy, or at least a journey made for altruistic reasons. Nonetheless, at least three man have died at the hands of...
Tough Guys and Dangerous Dolls; Damon Runyon’s ...
The men in the car are on an errand of mercy, or at least a journey made for altruistic reasons. Nonetheless, at least three man have died at the hands of...
Confound Your Clichés
Good morning everybody. First of all, I’d like to say thank you for having me, and I hope this talk is going to be of some interest. I also hope...
Confound Your Clichés
Good morning everybody. First of all, I’d like to say thank you for having me, and I hope this talk is going to be of some interest. I also hope...